I can't remember which email address I used to sign up with Mojo
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Not a problem! If you've got multiple emails, it can often be hard remembering which you used to sign up with.

1. Search your 'Spam' and 'Junk' folders to see if we've emailed you before. It's likely that the email we reached out to, is the email connected to your account.

2. Can't find any previous email history with us? Use the 'Search' function on your email provider to search 'Mojo' and see what you find.

3. Still confident you're entering the right email, and you've tried the above without much success? Please send us a chat message.

I still haven't received a log in email
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Before contacting our support channels, we'd encourage you to:

1. Wait a few minutes for this email to arrive. They're usually pretty fast, but can sometimes take a few minutes.

2. Check your 'Spam' and 'Junk' folders to see if the link has been sent there.

3. Double check that you entered the correct email address before requesting the link, and that you're searching the right inbox.

If the log in email still isn't appearing, please send us a chat message and we'll follow this up! It's possible that the server we use to send our emails may be causing the trouble.

The link you sent me to log into my account isn't working
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There's a few quick fixes for when your log in link doesn't seem to work. We'd suggest:

1. Deleting all the log in emails you've received from Mojo in the past, and request a new one. If you press the 'send magic link' button several times, it's likely that you're trying to log in using an expired link.

2. Try accessing your email using alternative means. For example, if you're trying to tap the link using your phone's 'Mail' app, try using a web browser such as Chrome or Safari to access your email this way instead.

3. If neither of the above options work, please contact us and we'll do our best to help!

I requested a magic link, but Mojo sent me a QR code
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This happens when you request a magic link using the mobile app but open the link with a different device, like your laptop. For security and privacy reasons, you need to scan the QR code with the device you used to request the magic link.

To do this:

1. Open the device's camera.

2. Point it at the QR code until a link pops up.

3. Click on the link to log in.